Tours & Service


The main subject of the tours offered by ARCHITECTourBGD is to experience contemporary architecture in its context. But the tours bringing us to different regions of the country not only provide access to recent masterpieces of a young generation of architect but also to buildings of earlier periods such as the Buddhist, the Hinduism, the Mogul or the Colonial period. A focus of the tours also lies on the unique movement of Tropical Modernism which was established by local and international architects from the 1950ies onwards. And last but not least ARCHITECTourBGD brings you to the 20th century masterpieces of Louis I.Kahn – a must see not only for architects!



The tour operator will provide full service for accomoddation, transportation, guidance and assistance within Bangladesh. All international flights to Dhaka, where the tours start and end have to be booked by the participants on a indivdual base.



Different tours will be operated in 2018.

Specific schedules, routes, rates and booking opportunities will be announced here periodically.

For tours with the Swiss Architecture Museum please check the website of S AM





in collaboration with Swiss Architecture museam S AM